Update 18 – Eagle Cockpit

General Additions:
- The Interior of the Eagle cockpit is mostly complete.
- Interior cockpit windows were enlarged to match the proportions of the set.
- Eagle remote control display has been updated to match cockpit graphics.
- Removed the miniature diorama models from the Props menu.
- The stars in the night sky now have a slight twinkle.
- Added an Easter Egg to the back of the 2001 monolith in Koenig’s office.
- Made a minor change to the labels on the transit maps in the Travel Tube.
- Added Eagle remote control, Keyboard 1, Keyboard 2, and Commlocks to the Props menu.

VRChat Additions:
- The “Space 1999 - Eagle Cockpit” world is now public on VRChat.
- The “Space 1999 - Eagle Passenger Pod” world has been public on VRChat for some time.

Known issues:
- Detail on the cockpit front wall navigation dials needs to be completed.
- Detail on the cockpit pilot chairs needs to be completed.
- Due to the character controller collider, it can sometimes be difficult to get close to static objects.
- The VRChat worlds sometimes omit minor features present in the main Unity project

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Hi there-

Wow, you have no idea how excited I get when these updates come out, and this one - like all of the others - didn't disappoint! The eagle cockpit is FANTASTIC. Thank you so much and happy holidays!


Thanks Ian, I do wish I could have finished the detail on the chairs and compass dials but I'm glad that I got this update out sooner rather than later :-)