Update 15 – Computer Room & Incomplete Eagle Cockpit
- Added a Computer Room to the Main Mission Corridor and Diorama scenes.
- Added an incomplete Eagle Cockpit to the X5-Computer Pod and Diorama scenes.
- Added throwable items to the corridor in the Main Mission scene.
- Added planets and nebulae to the sky in various Scenes.
- Added additional Screenshots to the X5-Computer Pod scene.
- Made a minor adjustment to the thickness of the door architraves in the Passenger Pod sets.
- Deleted the first line from some of the “Emergency Procedure” labels in the Passenger Pod and Travel Tube Airlock.
- Added a light diffuser to the small orange portable neon lamp in the Eagle corridor alcove.
Known issues:
- The Eagle Cockpit is missing all of its computer panels and represents the initial blocking out of the set.
- Some of the small text on the modular computer panels in the Computer Room exhibits unresolved blotchy shadow artefacts.
Get Space: 1999 VR
Space: 1999 VR
Fan made "Space: 1999" VR experience.
Status | Released |
Category | Other |
Author | Novaclade |
Tags | eagle-transporter, environment, fan-made, launchpad, moonbase-alpha, Retro, Sci-fi, space-1999, tv-show, Virtual Reality (VR) |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Update 18 – Eagle CockpitDec 09, 2024
- Update 17 – Unity 2023 PortApr 22, 2024
- Update 16 – VRChat PortSep 22, 2023
- Update 14 – Passenger Pod Containing X5-Computer WallJul 07, 2022
- Update 13 – Props & Passenger Pod InteriorJan 08, 2022
- Update 12 – PropsJun 06, 2021
- Update 11 – Moonbase AlphaOct 27, 2020
- Update 10 – Travel Tube & CorridorsJun 29, 2020
- Update 09 – All ScenesDec 12, 2019
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thanks for sharing the link, that is great work and it’s nice to see how a nearly 50 year old program is still so loved by so many. 👍
hi Andrew, thanks for your reply, wow minus 6, I didn’t realise it got that low in Australia., I always thought you winters were like our summers.. thank you for the link, you did send it a year or 2 back, how time has gone quickly.. 138 images for the side panels, that is a tremendous amount of work, looking forward to seeing the finished results. Thought I’d share with you 3 images that I came across. Not sure of their origin.
Kind regards, Richard
Hi Richard, those images are great aren't they. I think they come from someone called COSEDIMARCO. They have done a huge amount of top notch work on Moonbase Alpha which you can see here and many other places on the Internet...
Hi, hope your doing ok and the weather down there is better than here in the UK, one of the coolest and wettest Julys on record, only about 22oC to 24oC in the day and it’s been down to 11oC at night and this is British summertime. Oh well couple of days to august and it may get better. Just wondering how the VR is going? And if you’ve done anymore on the Eagle cockpit and did you mange any more of the Jupiter 2?
Hey Richard, considering that it is winter at the moment I’m thinking that the weather here is a little cooler than what you’ve been experiencing, I think we had -6°C here in Canberra the other night.
Regarding the VR project, I went away for a few weeks and came back home with a horrible chest cold so progress on the VR project has been very slow. To that point though, before I went away I did process a whole bunch of screenshots of the cockpit side wall computers and generated 138 images that show each panel zoomed in and perspective corrected. I’m surprised at the almost complete coverage that I’ve managed to get and I’m now in the process of drawing 2D elevations which I will use to generate the 3D geometry.
Thanks for the gentle prodding and be assured that the project is always on my mind. I don’t think I’ll do any more work on the Jupiter 2 until I finish this challenging cockpit but that is definitely the next thing I want to tackle. Have I shared this forum post by a guy called Avian, his work on the Jupiter 2 is simply amazing…
Yes I did see the Documentary and it was good. I remember seeing Joe 90 when it first came out, but I didn’t find it as exciting as Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet so I didn’t enjoy it as much. But for me the one I still watch is Space 1999 which I think still holds up well even by today’s standards. I think the filming sets were outstanding and so visually it is still a masterpiece. And your work enhances a show I love to this day and is way beyond any VR work that anyone else is working on and I can see it’s because it’s show that means a lot to you too. So thank you for sharing this with us all.
Kind regards, Richard
don’t know if you’ve heard, but they are now doing a Joe 90 Technical Operations Manual… Not sure about this one as Joe 90 was not one of my favourites.

I wasn’t familiar with Joe 90 at all but that comes down to me growing up in a small country town with only one commercial TV station that didn’t happen to air it. Becoming familiar with it more recently, I definitely appreciate the technical brilliance but I suspect that I would have enjoyed it more as a kid. Have you seen the Behind the Scenes Documentary of Joe 90, it was pretty good…
thank you for your reply. I understand exactly what you mean about having the time. Please take all the time you need even if it’s years away, it will be worth the wait.
Kindest regards, Richard
hi, just wondering how the Eagle cockpit is progressing? Although I know these things take a long time to accomplish. By the way what did you think to the SHADO Operations Manual? I thought it was really well done but not quite as good as the Moonbase Alpha manual.
Hi Richard, I really do appreciate these gentle prods but I’m sorry to say that there hasn’t been much progress on the cockpit lately. Yes it is daunting how much 3D modeling there needs to be done, but it is more a case of getting the time to do it at the moment.
Oh yes I really liked the SHADO Technical Operations Manual but I am simply more familiar with Space 1999 and it is difficult for me to be objective when it comes to the two shows. The Space 1999 Technical Operations Manual will always have a warm place in my heart :-)
what a great end of year gift. Thank you so much. The computer room is a real bonus and a great addition to the main mission sets. It isn’t out of place there, normally from the windows on the balcony if you look across and down you would only see the roof of the Main Mission tower which is so big it would stretch off in to the distance. So its placement is good, just no tower roof to hide it. It’s great to have the Eagle cockpit even if it is unfinished and it’s going to look fantastic when the controls are in place. It’s nice to be able to go through the Eagle as if it’s a real space craft especially with the view through the windows. Many thanks and a Happy New Year to you.
Kindest regards, Richard
Can't wait to try this! Thanks for the Christmas present :)